Broiler and roaster feed program
Natur-aile complete feeds provide birds with all the nutrients that they need.
The Natur-aile broiler and roaster feed program consists of two feeds:
Natur-aile début-croissance unique – granule for birds aged one to 28 days
Natur-aile croissance-finition unique – granule or texture, for birds aged 29 days to slaughter
These all-vegetable feeds are formulated to provide 16 to 20 % of protein. They are well balanced in amino acids for healthy growth.
Moderately high in energy, Natur-aile feeds allow for good feed conversion and are high in vitamins and minerals. In addition, they contain no animal fats or proteins, drugs, or antibiotics.
They are therefore formulated to provide a true grain-fed chicken.
Feed and target weight
Mixed broilers can be raised to weigh 2 to 2.5 kg (4.5 to 5.5 lb.) by around seven weeks of age, and males can be raised to weigh 4 to 4.5 kg (9 to 10 lb.) by 11 to 12 weeks of age.
Plan for approximately 3.5 kg of feed per bird aged zero to six weeks and 6 to 7 kg per bird aged six to 12 weeks old, for a total of 11 to 12 kg of feed per bird.
Sasso (free-range) chickens will reach a weight of 4.5 kg at around 14 weeks of age.
Throughout their lives, broilers must be fed Natur-aile feed only.
Diluting Natur-aile feed with grain will result in lower protein, vitamin, and mineral levels, which can lead to leg disorders and reduced growth and feed efficiency.