Robotic milking
We support dairy farmers before, during and after implementing robotic milking. We analyze herd performance. We suggest the best feed to promote healthy cows and improve farm profits. And we share expert advice on everything you need to know about robotic milking.
Large herds
Labour management, free-stall herds, forage harvesting and storage, profit margins—large farms come with many challenges! Every last detail matters to your farm’s success, and dairy farmers can count on our products, services and personalized advice.
Our agri-advisors use personalized measurement tools to help farmers increase each cow's milk production and improve their milk components. The result is better profits—it’s as simple as that.
If you are an organic milk producer or in the certification process, you can count on our expertise to reach your goals. The sky’s the limit!

Feed based on life cycle
Our agri-advisors accompany dairy producers with their feed management and develop feed programs adapted to each step of the production cycle.

Heifers (0–6 months)
The first few months of life have a huge impact on a dairy cow’s future performance. That’s why we developed our Goliath products, including our milk replacer formulated with only milk proteins, to improve calf development and support heifer health.

Heifers (6–24 months)
Goliath products help heifers reach their full genetic potential and contribute to early calving. Goliath feeds are formulated to improve growth and keep your heifers healthy.

Transition cows
The transition period is crucial for your cows’ health and reproduction. Transilac products are specially designed to prime cows for better production, reduce metabolic disorders and stimulate lactation peaks.

Lactating cows
Synchro products improve performance and margin per kilogram of fat. They can help you balance your cows’ rations, strengthen lactation peaks and keep your lactating cows healthy enough to get pregnant rapidly.
Support for all seasons

