New sustainable farming diagnostic tool
Farmers need to adapt to climate change. And to do that, they need a solid game plan. That’s where Sollio Agriculture’s sustainable farming diagnostic tool comes in. The easy‑to‑use, customizable tool gives farmers a clear picture of their situation so they can find viable solutions.
What is the sustainable farming diagnostic tool?
Based on the work of Marie-Noëlle Thivierge, agronomist, Ph.D. and research scientist, the diagnostic tool is an Excel file that farmers can fill out with their agri-advisors in less than 30 minutes.
Once they complete the document, farmers will have an accurate picture of their farm’s sustainability strengths, as well as areas for improvement.
How does it work?
The tool sets out seven environmental, social and economic objectives. For each, there are one or more specific indicators to assess.
Objective 1: Reduce pesticide use and health risks
- Health and environmental risk indices (choice of pesticides, screening, etc.)
- Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use (protective equipment, application techniques, etc.)
Objective 2: Improve soil health and conservation
- Soil coverage with cover crops or crop residue during the winter
- Proportion of soils with at least 4% organic matter
Objective 3: Improve fertilizer management
- Fertilizer loss and pollution
- Crop diversity
Objective 4: Optimize water management
- Waste management
- Management of rinsate water from sprayers
- Fertilizer application practices
Objective 5: Improve biodiversity
- Biodiversity‑positive farmland management
Objective 6: Keep acquiring knowledge
- Participation in training sessions, farmer days, conferences, etc.
Objective 7: Boost profitability
- Use of decision-making tools (AgConnexion, strategic planning, etc.)
For each indicator, agri-advisors rate the level achieved as introductory, beginner, advanced or expert.
The tool then generates a simple horizontal bar chart. Each bar represents an indicator, so farmers can see at a glance where they need to improve.

The benefits of the diagnostic tool
Not only is the sustainable farming diagnostic tool easy to use and quick to fill out, it’s also:
- Customizable: Unlike with benchmarking tools, each farm is assessed individually.
- Cost-effective: Assessments always take the farm’s profitability into account. After all, no one benefits from a solution that’s good for the environment but isn’t economically sustainable.
- Reliable: The tool is backed by science and has been tested at the Sollio Agriculture research farm.
Support every step of the way
Farmers can easily use the diagnosis to decide where to focus their efforts in the coming years. Their agri-advisor can also help them implement best practices.
The time between growing seasons is perfect for sitting down, taking stock of your farm and setting objectives to increase profitability while protecting the environment.