Broiler turkey management
The following are best management practices for producing healthy turkeys with minimum mortality and maximum performance.
Turkey housing
Turkeys should not be reared with chickens or hens or in housing that has been used to rear these two species. Chickens carry diseases that can be transmitted to turkeys.
Follow these recommendations for floor space, feeders, and waterers for broiler turkeys:
Turkeys can start going outside when they are eight to 10 weeks old, depending on the outdoor temperature. Be sure to protect them from sun and rain.
You should plan for about 2.8 m2 (30 sq. ft.) of outdoor space per turkey on well-drained soil. Use a 1.22 to 1.52 m (4 to 5 ft.) high fence to confine the birds and protect them from predators.
Periodically move the feeders and waterers to keep the turkeys away from mud and manure.
Heavy tom turkeys should be reared to produce large turkeys that are slaughtered when they are between 20 and 22 weeks old. A 20-week-old heavy tom turkey will weigh around 14 kg.
Heavy turkey hens are usually slaughtered when they are about 16 weeks old, with a live weight between 8 and 8.5 kg.
Consider slaughtering your turkeys before the cold fall weather comes, as this is when turkeys eat more, which makes it less profitable to rear them. Take them indoors if you need to keep them through the cold season.